Simona’s advice for learning English

My name is Simona and I am a Language Enthusiast. You may have seen me in the office or helping students at the Reception desk. I like to learn every day and I was a student like you not long ago, so I do not need to put myself in your shoes as I understand where you are coming from and the ‘struggles’ you may face!

This week I would like to talk about my passion for Cinema and how much it can help to watch films in a foreign language. If you have just started to learn, I would not recommend watching a movie that you have never seen before in a foreign language, that would not be an enjoyable experience, I promise you! If your level is already intermediate / higher intermediate, get yourself some popcorn and enjoy a film of your choice but don’t forget to add your own language subtitles! If you already have some knowledge and understanding, watch a movie that you know in your own language first, this way it will be much easier for you to understand how the same things are translated in the other language. Be curious!

When you watch a movie in another language, try to note down some of those words or expressions you hear for the first time and look for the translation as soon as you can. Do not do this for the whole movie as you also want to enjoy it, but pause it if you can a few times. Whether you are watching a movie or just talking to someone do not rush yourself to say something straight away, just listen carefully to the native speaker and wait a few seconds to reply. Remain calm, it’s not a race! This will allow you to practice listening and improve your comprehension skills.  Try and use your new language skills around the school and within your accommodation whilst here in the UK. My advice is to get us much practice as you can.

Did you know that in the quirky Westbourne Arcade you can find the smallest cinema in the UK?  It is called Bournemouth Colosseum Cinema & Bar, you can have a bite to eat there and then watch a movie downstairs even in a foreign language with English subtitles when these are available.

Simona’s advice for learning English

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